Friday, December 21, 2007

Putting the no in donation

I recently renewed my license. The photographer asked me if I wanted to stay an organ donor. I was like, "sure, why wouldn't I be?" and he was actually surprised. I, in turn, was amazed at his astonishment. He said the majority of people weren't. This makes absolutely no sense to me. That's like somebody trying to eat your leftovers in a restaurant and you demanding it be thrown out instead. I mean, I'm as selfish as the next guy, with a dash of conceit thrown in there for good measure, but even I draw the line somewhere. I get plowed by a bus, I won't be using that kidney so much anymore. Little Timmy can have it. I just don't understand people sometimes.

Maybe if you believed that in the future we'll be reanimated by mad scientists, or that you're a pharaoh and you will be passing on in the same state in which you went; otherwise you're nothing but a big meanie. Yeah, I'm talkin' to you, Quincy.

On a happier note, I stepped on a puppy the other day.

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